
Showing posts from January, 2021

Review: Hacker by Malorie Blackman

Genre:  Thriller Rating out of 10:  10 Publisher:  Corgi First Published:  1992 Summary Vicky lives a quiet life with her mum, dad and brother Gib. When her dad is arrested on suspicion of stealing a large sum of money from the bank he works at, Vicky is determined to prove it wasn’t him, using her computing and hacking skills. I loved how the vivid descriptions really make you feel like the characters were real, and the storyline was full of twists and turns! Things I Enjoyed I love the author’s captivating style of writing, it really helps you create an image of what’s happening The storyline is always engaging, full of twists in the plot Unlike many similar books, Hacker isn’t overwhelmed with characters The book is relatively short, meaning you don’t have to commit to reading          long book Conclusion I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys mysteries, thrillers and Sci-Fi as well. I really enjoyed Hacker , and would give it a 10/10 rating.

My Top Books of 2020

Even though 2020 was a tough year for all of us, it meant we all had the opportunity to read more books than we might have under regular circumstances. Here are my favourite books which I read in 2020: 1. The Boy at the Back of the Class by  Onjali Q Raúf Illustrator: Pippa Curnick Age Rating: 9+ Publisher: Orion Publishing First Published: 2018 The Boy at the Back of the Class is one of my favourite books. It focuses on Ahmet, the new boy at school. He doesn't talk to anyone and isn't allowed out at breaktime. But then Miss Khan's class find out that Ahmet isn't strange at all: He's a refugee, who has  fled a war in Syria. I liked how it touched upon the serious matter of war and immigration in a child-friendly way; this book is great to introduce kids to the concept of immigration, and is still a really good book for teens and young adults! 2. Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman Age Rating: 10+ Publisher: Corgi First Published: 1997 Cameron is 13. All he wants is to