Review: Wonder by R. J. Palacio


Auggie is a completely ordinary boy, except for one thing... He was born with a severe facial difference, which makes his face look unlike anyone else's. All Auggie wants is to be a normal kid... But he knows normal kids don't make other children run away screaming whenever they see him. This is a heart-warming story about Auggie starting fifth grade, and being in a school for the first time.

General Writing

The book is written from the point of view of several different people, meaning you never tire of a character.. The book is constantly changing. As for the text itself, I think Palacio captures the characters really well, and the language used is how you might imagine a ten year old boy to speak.

Age Range

As the subject of the book is quite deep and complex, I'd say this book is aimed at older readers. In my opinion, this story would be most enjoyed by ages 10 and up.

Good Things About the Book

  • I like how the book isn't narrated by just one person... It keeps it interesting throughout
  • You think of the characters as real people, they're so realistic
  • The cover has a really good design
  • It's easy to read, and you don't have to spend ages getting into it

Things I Didn't Like

Nothing, I would give this book a 10 star rating!

Wonder is one of my favourite ever books, and I would recommend it to pretty much every type of reader. There's also a second book, entitled Auggie and Me, which isn't a sequel in a traditional sense as it doesn't pick up where the previous book left off, but is still worth reading. In addition, there's a film by the same name, which I haven't yet watched but am intending to at some point.


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